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- ;*************************************************
- ;** PatchConsole **
- ;** Patches a stupid bug in the console device **
- ;*************************************************
- section main_code,code
- include inc:macros.asm
- include inc:exec_lib.asm
- include inc:dos_lib.asm
- PatchConsole:
- move.l ExecBase,a6
- sub.l a5,a5
- lea DOSName(pc),a1
- moveq #39,d0
- jsr OpenLibrary(a6)
- move.l d0,a5
- jsr Forbid(a6)
- move.l a5,d0
- beq .notpatched
- lea $15e(a6),a0 ;device list
- lea ConsoleName(pc),a1
- jsr FindName(a6) ;don't try this stunt yourself
- tst.l d0
- beq .notpatched
- move.l d0,a0
- move.w $14(a0),d1 ;get version
- cmp.w #39,d1 ;must be V39 or V40
- beq.s .foundV39
- cmp.w #40,d1 ;or V40 ?
- bne .notpatched
- .foundV39:
- moveq #5,d2 ;RetryCount
- .reloop:
- lea ConsoleName(pc),a1
- jsr FindTask(a6) ;don't try this yourself
- tst.l d0
- beq .retry
- move.l d0,a4
- move.w $e(a4),d0 ;get the state of the task
- subq.w #$4,d0 ;must be waiting
- bne .retry
- move.l $36(a4),a1 ;get the stack pointer
- move.l $3e(a4),a3 ;check up to this address
- do
- cmp.l a3,a1
- bhs .retry
- move.l (a1),a0 ;read the return address
- cmp.l #$f80004,a0 ;must be above this one
- blo.s .next
- cmp.l #$ffffff,a0 ;and below this one
- bhi.s .next
- move.l -4(a0),d0 ;read the instruction at this address
- cmp.l #$4eaefec2,d0 ;must be Wait(a6)
- bne.s .next
- move.w $3c(a0),d0 ;read first bsr.s
- cmp.w #$6100,d0 ;long branch is not allowed
- beq.s .next
- and.w #$ff01,d0 ;mask out the jump distance
- cmp.w #$6100,d0 ;must be bsr
- bne.s .next
- move.w $5c(a0),d0 ;read first bsr.w
- cmp.w #$6100,d0 ;must be bsr
- bne.s .next
- move.w $82(a0),d0 ;read again instruction
- cmp.w #$6100,d0 ;must be bsr.w again
- beq.s .found ;if this matches, too, we got it.
- .next:
- addq.l #2,a1 ;next word
- loop.s
- .found:
- move.l a1,a4 ;the return address is kept here
- lea $84(a0),a1 ;get first extension word
- move.w (a1),d0 ;read jump distance
- adda.w d0,a1 ;the destination of the third jump
- move.l a1,2+RomJump3 ;stunt! Patch in the code
- lea $5e(a0),a2
- move.w (a2),d0
- adda.w d0,a2
- cmp.l a1,a2 ;these two must go to the same address. Argh.
- bne.s .retry
- move.l a1,2+RomJump2
- lea $3c(a0),a1 ;read first jump
- move.w (a1)+,d0 ;this is a short jump
- and.w #$00ff,d0 ;get the jump distance
- bne.s .final
- .retry:
- exg.l a5,a6
- moveq #10,d1
- jsr Delay(a6) ;wait a while
- exg.l a5,a6
- subq.l #1,d2
- bne .reloop
- bra.s .notpatched
- .final: ;if this is long, don't.
- adda.w d0,a1 ;calculate destination
- move.l a1,2+RomJump1 ;destination
- move.l #WaitBack,(a4) ;patch return address. Huh!
- ;we're done now
- jsr CacheClearU(a6) ;done
- lea PatchConsole(pc),a0
- clr.l -4(a0) ;release segment: Urghl.
- moveq #0,d0 ;Yes, I know this is ugly.
- bra.s .exit
- .notpatched:
- moveq #32,d0
- .exit:
- jsr Permit(a6) ;does not alter the registers
- move.l d0,d2
- move.l a5,d0
- beq.s .notclose
- move.l a5,a1 ;if open,
- jsr CloseLibrary(a6) ;close DOS again
- .notclose:
- move.l d2,d0
- rts
- dc.b "$VER: ConsoleFix 1.1 (25.9.99) © THOR",0
- ConsoleName:
- dc.b "console.device",0
- DosName:
- dc.b "dos.library",0
- ;*************************************************
- ;** The following is the replacement **
- ;** code of the console.device **
- ;*************************************************
- section patched_code,code
- PatchStart:
- _loop:
- move.b $152(a6),d0
- move.b d0,d1
- and.b #$1C,d1
- beq.s _release
- btst #7,d0
- beq.s _release
- bset #5,d0
- bne.s _release
- move.b d0,$152(a6)
- move.l $125A(a6),d0
- beq.s _release
- lea $1246(a6),a1
- move.w #9,$1C(a1)
- clr.b $1E(a1)
- moveq #0,d1
- move.l d1,$20(a1)
- move.l #$186A0,$24(a1)
- move.l a6,-(a7)
- movea.l d0,a6
- jsr -$1E(a6)
- movea.l (a7)+,a6
- _release:
- lea $54(a6),a0
- move.l a6,-(a7)
- movea.l $30(a6),a6
- jsr -$23A(a6)
- movea.l (a7)+,a6
- move.l #$F0000000,d0
- move.l a6,-(a7)
- movea.l $30(a6),a6
- jsr -$13E(a6)
- WaitBack:
- movea.l (a7)+,a6
- move.l d0,d7
- lea $54(a6),a0
- move.l a6,-(a7)
- movea.l $30(a6),a6
- jsr -$2A6(a6)
- movea.l (a7)+,a6
- tst.l $50(a6)
- beq _loop
- move.l d7,d0
- andi.l #$C0000000,d0
- beq.s _test
- move.l d7,-(a7)
- lea $126E(a6),a0
- move.l a6,-(a7)
- movea.l $30(a6),a6
- jsr -$234(a6)
- movea.l (a7)+,a6
- lea $82(a6),a2 ;this is the bug
- bra.s _enterloop
- _windowloop:
- RomJump1:
- jsr $55555554 ;this is the correct address for 40.63
- _enterloop:
- movea.l (a2),a2
- tst.l (a2)
- bne.s _windowloop
- lea $126E(a6),a0
- move.l a6,-(a7)
- movea.l $30(a6),a6
- jsr -$23A(a6)
- movea.l (a7)+,a6
- move.l (a7)+,d7
- _test:
- btst #$1D,d7
- beq.s _no1d
- RomJump2:
- jsr $aaaaaaaa ;ditto
- _no1d:
- btst #$1C,d7
- beq _loop
- lea $1224(a6),a0
- move.l a6,-(a7)
- movea.l $30(a6),a6
- jsr -$174(a6)
- movea.l (a7)+,a6
- bclr #5,$152(a6)
- beq _loop
- RomJump3:
- jsr $aaaaaaaa
- beq _loop